Welcome to New Zealand's most affordable food trailer manufacturers
Trailers NzTrailers NzTrailers Nz
(Mon - Sat)
Auckland, NewZealand - 1060


Comprehensive Services for Your Trailer Needs.

Welcome to Trailers NZ, located in Mount Wellington, Auckland. We are your trusted source for top-quality trailers, specializing in custom-made food trailers that are tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of service and quality, ensuring that you get the perfect trailer for your business. With Trailers NZ, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best in business


Tailored financial solutions to help you acquire the right trailer.

Electrical Support

Expert assistance with electrical systems to ensure optimal functionality.

Gas Fitting and Certifications

Professional gas fitting services and necessary certifications for safe operation.

Branding, Graphics, and Wrapping

Customized branding and graphics to make your trailer stand out.

Website Development

Full-service website development to enhance your online presence.

Kitchen and Menu Planning

Comprehensive planning for kitchen setups and menu creation.

Food License Application

Assistance with obtaining the necessary food licenses for your operations.

Food Truck Events (2025 onwards)

Special event planning and support for food truck gatherings starting in 2025



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